Curators are looking. Will they find you?
Boost Visibility with an ArtStackDev Portfolio
It's never been easier to get your art online, but it's never been harder to get it noticed. ArtStackDev portfolios improve visibility by enhancing performance. Your artwork does the rest.
Search engines prioritize fast-loading websites. Optimized images load faster and edge technologies like AWS contribute to a faster, more reliable, and geographically optimized web experience—all factors that align well with SEO best practices.
ArtStackDev portfolios leverage Next.js's image optimization features to balance image quality and performance perfectly. Hosting on Vercel, a platform built for Next.js applications, ensures blazing-fast load times and rock-solid reliability.
Images are stored on AWS (Amazon Web Services) CDN (Content Delivery Network), for scalable pricing and guaranteeing rapid access for viewers around the globe.
The Image metadata is stored in decentralized "headless" databases and distributed globally reducing latency.
All of these factors contribute to a fast-loading, high performing SEO enhanced web portfolio!
ArtStackDev portfolios are optimized and designed for artists (by an artist).